With Gratitude to the Best Team in Senior Care
By Michael E. McRae
President & CEO, St. Ann’s Community
January 3rd, 2022
Just before Christmas, I received an email from the daughter of one of our elders. The message began, “Once again I am compelled to share my observations about one of your employees.” Let’s just say I was a bit nervous. But then I read on.
“The kindness, care, and compassion that are daily expressions that Shana has for the residents under her charge is unsurpassed, genuine, and admirable. She is unique, sensitive, and committed to her residents’ care.”
There was more, much more, in similarly glowing terms. The writer concluded by saying, “I would be remiss in not acknowledging her superior qualities.” I was more than a bit proud.
2021 is now behind us, with all its troubles and, yes, its moments of beauty. Like you, I am looking forward to this year and the promise and hope it holds. It will, of course, be its own roller coaster ride of highs and lows. Yet no matter what it brings, we in the St. Ann’s family can take comfort in knowing there is an entire team of employees whose “kindness, care and compassion” for our elders is unwavering.
Our employees are the bedrock of what makes St. Ann’s special. They come to work every day ready to make a difference. And they do, as evidenced by the many letters like the one above that cross my desk. In the extraordinary circumstances under which we’ve been operating, they have shown remarkable strength, courage, and dedication in serving our elders. In this new year, we’re making it a priority to show them our gratitude in new and creative ways that enhance their experience as St. Ann’s employees. They certainly deserve it, and it is our duty this year, more than ever, to deliver.
If this sounds like a place you or someone you know would like to work or volunteer, visit our website to learn about the opportunities available. It’s a new year, the perfect time to open a new chapter in your life working with the best team in senior care anywhere.
Best wishes for much happiness in the new year.